8 Tips for Using LinkedIn for Sales Prospecting

The first thing you can tell a salesperson who is ready to take advantage of LinkedIn is to take a good look at their contacts. Contacts are like LinkedIn’s currency. If your contacts are mostly family, friends, and old classmates, you have a lot of work to do.

Connections create new connections. Your first-level contacts open up a wide range of second- and third-level connections. This is how you size your network. Take advantage of this moment every time you meet someone (online or offline). Always make a connection request on LinkedIn, do it while you are still “fresh” in the other person’s mind.

 Discover a better way to find your prospects

One of the main reasons to use LinkedIn is to find the leaders of the companies you are targeting. When working with multinational companies, there can be many people involved in or influencing the purchase. But even for small business-to-business sales, you will often need to influence multiple people.

You’d be surprised how many things people put in their profile, they usually put what department they’re in, what office they work in, and even what their projects are. With a little detective work, you can quickly get a sense of who your how to build telemarketing lead  interviewer is, their personality (look at their recommendations), and what they’ve done before.

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Almost no one enjoys making phone calls. They are often a waste of time and people feel like they are banging their heads against a brick wall. These days, there is no reason to make a completely cold call.

When it comes to your target prospects’ profiles, you should pay special attention to the changes they make to their profile  5가지 유형의 성과 마케팅 and anything they post in a group. Also on LinkedIn, with a paid account, you can see the expanded profiles of everyone (not just your contacts). This can give you even more useful information that you can use later for effective networking.

 Go further with InMail

Ask anyone who works in sales, senior decision makers are a tough bunch. Of course, this is no surprise when you think about it and realize that these are probably people who receive emails and calls absolutely every day and all the time. So here’s what these people do to protect their time: They block unwanted calls, ignore  aleart news most of the emails they receive, and have a barrier that keeps salespeople out.

Understand what’s going on in your prospect’s business
As any salesperson knows, change creates opportunity. People come, people go, companies make big announcements, etc. Any change can be a good reason to contact a company and offer your help.

LinkedIn makes it easy to discover these changes. You can follow any company that has a LinkedIn page. You’ll be able to see the changes they make right on your update page. It’s an easy way to stay up to date and find new opportunities.

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