9 benefits of SMS for companies

In the era of the omnipresent WhatsApp, with more than 25 million users in Spain, it seems hard to believe that in 2020, 5.171 billion SMS were sent. The truth is that although WhatsApp is practical for personal use, companies know very well that there is no more effective channel than sending mass SMS. Its versatility and reach make it a very effective tool for communicating all kinds of messages. But SMS offers a multitude of benefits to companies 9 benefits of that want to use it.

Why companies send SMS, benefits of text messages
Banks, stores, restaurants, agencies, apps.Many companies have seen SMS as the ideal channel to communicate with their customers. What makes them so effective?

1. A spam-free channel

Spam sending has moved to free channels such as email. Since SMS is a paid channel, we receive very little spam. This has a very clear 9 benefits of  consequence, which makes SMS the most effective communication channel we can work wit It increases its reach and also its effectiveness.

2. 95% opening rate
Because it is a channel with little saturation, we open most of the SMS we receive. Also, since we always have our mobile phone with us, we usually open 90% of SMS within the first two minutes after receiving them. Thus, critical messages will be read by practically the list of venezuela cell phone number  entire audience we are addressing.

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3. Fast communication

Not only is it the channel with the highest opening revolucija digitalnog marketinga u manitobi: strategije za zvjezdani uspjeh rate, it is also one of the fastest. Thanks to direct sending through operators, SMS reach the recipient’s phone almost immediately, with just one click.
Keep in mind that the platform to create a mass SMS by lists campaign is 9 benefits of simple and intuitive. In just a few steps you are able to create and send your communication. So when you have the idea, sending the message is very quick and easy.


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