Retargeting: 5 Examples of How to Bring Users Back to Your Website

What is retargeting and how does it work?
Retargeting Audience
How retargeting differs from regular targeting
Types of retargeting
Benefits of Retargeting
Disadvantages of retargeting
Technical updates
On which platforms can you set up retargeting?
New platforms for retargeting
5 examples of working retargeting
Briefly about the main thing
Frequently asked questions

Ekaterina Chernykh

Content Manager
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What is retargeting and how does it work?
A person, under the influence of many factors, may not email data perform the target action (forgot, was distracted, changed his mind, did not like the price, etc.). For such cases, a marketing strategy was created – retargeting. In simple terms, it is based on the idea of ​​​​re-appealing to potential clients who have already shown interest in a product or service.

How does it work? When a user visits your site or interacts with your advertising materials, information about them is recorded using a tracking pixel or cookie.

Using this information, you can show personalized ads to this user on other platforms, such as social networks or partner sites.

Ekaterina Chernykh

Retargeting Audience
A retargeting audience, in simple terms, is a special group of people who are familiar with your brand, service or specific product. The essence lies in the user’s interaction with advertising. As if “reminding about itself”, the company unobtrusively displays its advertising on other sites or even applications.

How retargeting differs from regular targeting
Targeting is based on using various factors such as demographics, interests, online behavior, location and other parameters to accurately define your target audience.

In retargeting, you show ads to the target audience that has already had contact with your brand or visited the site.

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Types of retargeting
Retargeting includes 4 main approaches 7 reasons to learn digital marketing  that all aim to achieve the same goal but use different methods.

search retargeting
1. Search retargeting
When a user makes a search query and lands on an advertiser’s website, a special marker (cookie) is installed on their device. This marker allows them to track their visits to other websites and show them ads related to their previously expressed interest.

dynamic retargeting

2. Dynamic retargeting
If a user has viewed a specific product on a website, dynamic retargeting can show ads for that specific product, with current prices or special offers.

video retargeting
3. Video retargeting
Let’s imagine that you watched a commercial chine directory for a product or service. When you go to another tab, you see a banner ad for the same product whose video you recently watched. This is called video retargeting.


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