Aaron Dey CEO

contact name: Aaron Dey
contact job function details: ceo
contact job function:
contact job title: CEO
contact job seniority: c_suite
contact person city: London
contact person state: England
contact person country: United Kingdom
contact person zip code:
business name: FrameBlast
business domain: frameblast.com
business facebook URL: http://www.facebook.com/FrameBlast
business linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/company/2366781
business twitter: https://twitter.com/FrameBlast
business website: http://www.frameblast.com
list of algeria cell phone number
business angellist: http://angel.co/frameblast
business found year: 2011
business city:
business zip code: EC2A 4BX
business state: England
business country: United Kingdom
business language:
business employee: 0
business category: media production
business specialty: video, cloud, ios, android, cms, nle, algorithms, colour grading, media production
business technology: google_analytics,chartbeat,itunes,google_play,vimeo,apache,facebook_widget,gmail,google_apps,route_53,amazon_aws
does your content have a purpose
business description: FrameBlast is a simple video app that helps you tell your stories. Think. Shoot. Create. Share. FrameBlast magically brings your stories together, creating high quality videos that you can save for yourself or proudly share with the world. So what are you going to blast?

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