Advertising campaign audit: what to pay attention to

Conducting an audit somewhat resembles an examination in a hospital. A kind of diagnosis of the .

“body condition” of advertising campaigns and the identification of their weaknesses and strengths.

The audit of advertising campaigns is an analysis of the quality of campaigns (settings, obtained statistics) in  telegram database users list advertising systems and the creation of recommendations to increase the client’s profit and achieve the necessary KPIs.

There are several reasons for an audit. All of them are expressed in the simple words of customers when they order it:

  • I am not satisfied with the existing KPIs. I understand in context, but I don’t understand how you can get such a CPA.
  • I don’t understand anything in the context, I don’t care, some numbers. I need income, but there is none.

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  • Last year everything seemed to be good, but in the last six months it was bad. Apparently, my marketers “twisted” something in the wrong place.
  • My colleagues and I periodically do something there. I need to understand if  kontrollisto por via kreivo everything is configured correctly or not.
  • In general, everything is satisfactory, but we want to develop further. A new strategy and a fresh perspective are needed.

These are all customer pains and problems. And this is where “contextual doctors” rush to help, who diagnose campaigns and offer options for achieving goals.

Steps in the Google Ads account audit

After the technical audit, there is an understanding of the niche, knowledge of the current account structure and advertising weaknesses. Now you need to analyze the level of campaigning.

To do this, it is difficult c phone number to make a checklist, since the leading specialist had his own vision of the project and reasons why it was so and not otherwise. Similarly, it is difficult to treat a person after other doctors and a lot of drugs that he has already taken.

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