Firstly, it has an impact upon your reader

Ay five of our 31-day challenge, we did this by emailing a reader. Today, I want you to take it a step further and publicly pay attention to one of your readers. Day five is all about shooting them a private note, something that was in private completely just between you and them. Today, I want to challenge you to pay attention to one of your readers in a public way.

This has three main benefits.

By taking a little bit of time today to step out of your busy routine and show that one reader that you value them could have a real impact upon that one person. That may sound like a little action, but if you do this on a regular basis, it adds up. You never quite know who that person is and how your action today might have an impact on them and has on-going benefits. I actually did this with one of my readers back in 2005 and that reader became a business partner, just because I paid them a bit of attention.

The second benefit of doing this is that it has updated 2024 mobile phone number data an impact on your other readers as well. When you publicly value one reader in front of everyone else, it shows that you have a genuine interest in your readers. It’s infectious. It goes to help create a positive and inclusive culture on your blog. What you will notice is that if you are welcoming and you are valuing individual readers, your readers will begin to value one another as well.

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The third benefit is one that’s only really just hit

Home to me in the last  year or so. This activity 7 дана раније концепт одмора туриста will have an impact on you. Any interaction that you have with your reader is going to have an impact on you as well and that’s really important. Many times agb directory as bloggers, we fail to see our readers as individuals. We look at our Google Analytics and we see the number of readers as our audience. The reality is that behind that number are human beings. It’s good to be reminded of that.



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