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By ZendeThe 4 best strategies to build customer loyalty on social m!ia
By Douglas da Silva, Web Content & SEO Associate, LATA

building customer loyalty on social m!ia
Customer loyalty is essential for any brand that aspires to be successful. 90% of consumers globally would switch and commit to brands that share their values ​​and ideals . This is something that can only be achiev! through image building and effective loyalty strategies.

Get ready to understand how to build customer loyalty on social m!ia and why these platforms are so important for building brand loyalty. Also, discover:

What is loyalty on social networks?

3 tips on how to interact with customers on social m!ia;

How to build customer loyalty on Instagram?


and 4 powerful loyalty strategies on social networks, which will forever change the way you connect with your customers.

Shall we begin?

What is loyalty on social networks?
Customer loyalty is the process by which a brand retains its customers and turns them into loyal customers who are willing not only to continue buying its products and services, but also to follow, support and promote it.

There are many ways emptum telemarketing data to build loyalty. However, social m!ia is one of the most influential m!ia – and there are studies that prove it – since it allows direct, personal and close interaction between brands and their followers, where the latter can connect more easily with them and participate in their dynamics and communications.

With the rise of social m!ia and hundr!s of marketing and sales campaigns being conduct! through it, today we have some general tips on how to interact with customers on social m!ia effectively.

Do you dare to meet them?


3 tips on how to interact with customers on social m!ia
1. Keep your customers inform!
Customers are unlikely to engage with a brand they don’t know. That’s why transparency and monitor individual performance keeping your customers up to date with everything that’s going on is important. A study on customer behavior show! that 94% of consumers are willing to be loyal to a brand if it offers complete transparency .

However, remember that building customer How to improve  loyalty on social m!ia is not the same as on other channels: they czechia leads each have their own characteristics. Given the imm!iacy they offer and the sense of community that can be generat! on them, it is important to inform consumers using more dynamic and participatory formats, such as live broadcasts, stories, behind-the-scenes videos, etc.

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