When we have to call a telephone number that begins with 900 , we have doubts about the price we will have to pay for the call, since numbers. Such as 902 or 905 have a special rate that is not includ in your rate, and that makes the price of the call much higher.
However, this is not the case with all 900 numbers, since the 900 phone number is free and you do not have to pay anything. At all if you have to call a number that begins with this prefix.
Increasingly common for companies to not charge. Customers who want to contact them to resolve possible queries, 900 numbers are free and we are going to tell you why .
One of the free options is the prefix
If you have a rate with unlimit calls, you won’t have to pay anything to call. Mobile phones and landlines, but you will have to pay for a special rate call , and not a little, since the price per minute. For this type of numbers is quite high, which usually start with 9 or 8, and are follow by a 0, with 902 being the most popular.
However, if it is a 901, 902, 903, etc., you will have to pay for the call , and the price will vary depending on the prefix and the operator. For example, when you call a 901, the cost of the call is divid between the user and the company that has contract this prefix. Being a very common service in public bodies. Whereas if you call a 902, you will be the one who bears. The total cost of the call, with an average price of three euros for five minutes according to the OCU.
In any case, you must be aware that 902 phone number library numbers are prohibit for customer service , and it is mandatory that they have a free telephone number for the user like 900.
Why have a company number with the 900 number?
The 900 number is free and having it in your company will allow you to show. A more professional side and will help you generate trust among your clients, encouraging them to contact you when they ne to, without worrying about having E InmigraciĆ³n AmbiciĆ³n e crecemento to pay for the call, something that could make many look for other free alternatives.
If you choose a number with this prefix, bw lists we recommend that you make it clear on your website that the 900 telephone number is free to clear up any doubts , since many customers are unaware of this and when they see the 900 number, they automatically think that they will have to pay as occurs with the rest of the 900 prefixes.