SEO, SEM and PPC – What is the Difference? A Simple Guide for Business

Do you want to increase your online visibility, build brand trust or improve conversion? Start with activities that will make your company, service or product findable in search engines. Focus on Google, because this option is us most often. According to  data, the giant’s share in the Polish market has been above 95% for many years .

But how does this all work in practice – step by step? Let’s say you’re looking for a cat toy online.

First, you type a specific query into Google, such as “best cat toys” or “what cat toy.” Technically, these are phrases containing keywords. Bas on them, the search engine can assign the content display to

you to what your intentions are and what

Then you browse through the results – some have the words “sponsor” or “advertisement” add to them, others don’t (you might not even notice). There are also various sections that are suppos to make your job easier, such as product specific database by industry  photos that take you directly to the store, similar questions, and more.

specific database by industry

You scroll for a while, reading titles, descriptions, etc. You click on a select link. You probably choose one of the results at the top (not necessarily an ad). Then you go to a specific website. It could be a blog post, a product card in an online store, or a company’s home page. This time – you finally want to buy something – you go to a pet store.

A few toys catch your eye, you add them to your cart, buy them. And that’s it, the magic of SEM – or search engine 셀프 케어 산업이 소매업체에 미치는 영향  marketing – has happen.

The overall goal of SEM is simple: to make your offer visible in Google . And then to make that short teaser that appears in the results interest the user. Enough so that they click the link to your site.

you make sure that your website traffic


Sometimes the term SEM is us exclusively to describe paid campaigns (PPC). This is a mistake. But let’s be honest – those who don’t deal with marketing on a daily basis can get lost in all this. In fact, specialists themselves argue about aob directory  what exactly each definition covers… This time, let’s put aside marketing considerations and focus on what it all means to you – someone who simply wants to promote their business.


How does SEO work in practice (but really in a simplifi way)? Google robots regularly scan websites. Then they assign various content to specific keywords. These are the words that users enter into the search engine window.

Well-optimiz SEO texts , valuable external linking, internal linking consistent with the SEO strategy and a properly functioning website significantly increase the chance that Google will consider the site useful and compliant with the guidelines . And therefore worthy of being display higher.


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