For my website on WordPress, purchased theme or custom design?

That’s it, the big day has arrived, you have decided to redesign. The prospect of a fairly intense project opens up before you because. As you have understood, in the current economic paradigm the success of your digital presence is crucial for the sustainability of your business.

Trusting someone you know in your circle, an employe. Recruiting an intern or using the expertise of a digital expert, an agency… these are your possible choices.

Once you have chosen your partner, you will certainly move towards using the most popular CMS, namely WordPress. And to motivate or reinforce your choice. You will certainly have read statistics concerning this system. approx. 30% of sites in the world are powered by WordPress. A system that can boast of 60% of the CMS market share.

Finally the big question, should you go for the purchase of a WordPress theme or will you ask your partner for a custom design of your web pages?

A purchased theme is not expensive and everything is done

This is indeed the first thing we can say to ourselves and finally, why take the advice of an expert . When a team (most of the time in India) has done the work to  present the services of a standard company in a specific field. They seem to have thought of everything. To offer content to your potential customers. In addition, if you look carefully, you will find extremely flexible themes that ultimately allow you to customize your website with great precision.

You need an industry email list. By connecting with targeted audiences through customized content, it helps organizations increase industry email list engagement and conversion rates. Businesses can send recipients relevant material that resonates with them by segmenting contacts based on their sector. This targeted approach builds client relationships and raises brand awareness, which eventually boosts sales and promotes long-term growth in a cutthroat industry.

Great! I don’t understand why I should spend a large sum of money for a web expert to come and help me arrange my content on the pages of my website?
In my opinion, this state of mind leads us to a real epidemic of the WordPress theme disease, all sites end up looking the same and differentiation is difficult to understand.

I very rarely advise my clients to go for this solution and this for several reasons:

Most of the time, installing an already developed WordPress theme prevents you from thinking effectively about the as well as the key pages for landing.
The design of your pages is essential to drain the flow of users towards your content, especially if your offer is multiple and if you offer online services.
The prioritization of information is not just a question of menu organization. We are even seeing a general decline in the menu functions of websites. Indeed, if the customer journey is well thought out with direct access to high added value content, the menu plays no role.

I could continue this long list of arguments against using a pre-made WordPress theme.
I will only recommend this type of site when the goal is to make a very simple presentation of the services offered by the company, an improved business card in short.

The problem with purchased themes

Contrary to what many people think, customizing a purchased theme does not turn out to be as cheap as initially expected. Indeed, the theme ultimately represents only a container, the problem of content, writing texts, choosing relevant images to describe the value proposition remains.
And besides, in many cases these contents are not thought out upstream of the choice of the theme.
Ditto, on the functionalities:

  • What about the organization of access to high added value content?
  • What about calls to action?
  • What about the different lead capture tools?
  • etc.

Also, in most cases and because we have thought about specific customer journeys, the purchased theme turns out to be counterproductive in the sense that the customization becomes so deep that the pre-configurations constitute a brake on the integration of content and the organization of pages.  Even worse, these problems cause production costs to explode!

The comfort and efficiency of a custom design

industry email list

So of course, making a custom design of your website, the pages that constitute it requires the involvement of an artistic director who has a broad vision of design. As is the case in our  , our artistic director is. Spaces, in graphics and his thought processes are turned towards the user and a comfort approach towards the different interfaces that allow access to content and services.

For me, this is an essential step in the because it is in this phase that the bricks will be laid to offer customer journeys on the pages in order to middle east mobile number services maximize lead generation.
Work on the architecture of the site and its interactions with the services carried out in parallel corroborates the design intentions and therefore allows you to effectively communicate the value proposition of your business.

the preliminary thinking will allow the creation

A custom theme and, in the same way as with a purchased theme, this leaves you, as the owner of the site, complete latitude to update the content.

If buying a theme on a marketplace seems attractive in terms of cost, it turns out to be disastrous in most cases during implementation. Let’s also keep in mind that many agencies. That do not master the technical aspects of the web offer this type of website under. WordPress and lead their clients to many disappointments in terms of visibility and lead capture results.

Finally, even if the costs are a little higher when the choice is made on a custom design, it is a very judicious choice because. At a time when marketing seeks to develop a privileged relationship between companies and their customers, there is an opportunity

It seems obvious these days

A few years ago having a website for a law firm or a liberal profession seemed. impossible and yet things have changed a lot in recent years because federal. law authorizes lawyers to advertise. Although a website can be considered as advertising.

It can also serve as an exchange platform between lawyers and clients in the form of storing documents necessary for a case or even a remote meeting. It could also be use to make an appointment with your lawyer.

Based on this observation, it is obvious that today lawyers have every interest in being present on the Internet through a website which:

  • Allows to be found
  • Presents its activities
  • Presents its prices
  • Tends towards the profession of lawyer 2.0 by offering online services


Simplifying the client-lawyer relationship through collaborative platforms, but not only that

Equipping yourself with an exchange platform between clients and lawyers is the possibility that lawyers have. The only website is a very good base, but the  agb directory tools evolve quickly as well as their uses. If you are not quick in the digitalization of your firm, many competitors have already jumped on the bandwagon.

You also have the possibility of offering online payments. For example, or automatic invoicing. Customers want to be able to consult documents related to their business at any time of the day without.

This also happens through social networks but also simply through an online meeting using Zoom, Skype or hangout. An extremely simple way to get in touch. With your lawyer could be to use the chat directly installed on the website.

It’s also a great way to offer the first 15 minutes of an appointment to someone looking for advice.

Choosing a good partner for digitalization

In the case of digitalization of a law firm. We are not only talking about the website or the law firm-court relationship.

This ranges from the IT infrastructure (server, e-mail, security, etc.). When we talk about digitalization, we address the following topics:


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